Re: TI-H: More AVR Qs
Re: TI-H: More AVR Qs
>I think a clock of 1MHz should be about right, so I could use a 4MHz or so
>crystal and divide by 4. Does it sound like I'm on the right track here?
Yes. Much cheeper than buying a high accuracy clock for $10.
>> Each AVR pin can supply 20ma. If you tie two together...
>Ok, so source and sink currents for those pins are the same?
As far as I know, yes. I've alaways ran LEDs off the port pins using
100ohm resistors.
I've ran the LCDs by clearing the port pins and by setting them. (Some
LEDs are more efficient when the switched current is the ground...)
>> There are also a free "Keep it simple yet powerful" pascal compiler.
>Do you have a URL for it, or is there a refrence to it on Atmel's site?
No I don't. I was searching for IAR C yesterday and found it. There
should be a site called "AVR bounce point" if you can find it.