Re: TI-H: Completely OT, riddle
Re: TI-H: Completely OT, riddle
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Bernard wrote:
:1/3 of 100 is 33
:3/4 of 1000 is 750
:misers don't care about it
:and students hate sence
:so Regis my answer is cents
:final answer.
You have to think a bit differently dude, 100, what is 2/3 of it?
Think of a string.. 0 makes up 2/3 of it, now 1000, 0 makes up
3/4 of its length, 0 means nothing to a miser, but is grief to
a student....
:----- Original Message -----
:寄件者: Markus R酹y <>
:收件者: <>
:傳送日期: Monday, November 29, 1999 03:42
:主旨: TI-H: Completely OT, riddle
:> Hi!
:> I know this is _completely_ OT, but I'm kinda stuck in a game where I'm
:> asked to answer a riddle. The problem is, that I'm not well aware of the
:> english math terminology, so I thought maybe some of you might help?
:> Anyway, here's the riddle...
:> I'm two thirds of one hundred and three fourths of one thousand,
:> I mean nothing to a miser but grief to a student, what am I?
:> Markus R酹y
:> (