TI-H: hi everyone!
TI-H: hi everyone!
hey there everybody,
i used to be on this list a while ago. yeah, thats me, the rabid mBus
advocate, the guy who named the E(g) [but now i see grant changed it to
the eIII, loser], and i'm that same guy who was going to make a keyboard
interface driver. now i'm back and i'm glad to see that some one finally
ported the mBus routines to all of the z80 calcs. in fact i'm really happy
about that. i'm happy to see that the eIII [its always going to be the
E(g) in my heart, don't you get it? its the expander as a function of
grant]. but i have not touched the keyboard development since i brought it
up. anyways... i'm actually working now on a handheld keyboard solution,
similar to the twiddler but, in my opinion, better. more about that later.
in fact it could be interfaced to the calcs one day. thats about it for
me. so whats been going on in ti-h since i left? i'm really curious to see
what has actually been accomplished.
David Norelid
Posse in effect, yo
AOLIM: FuzzNoreli
ICQ: 3512251 (Fuzz)