Re: TI-H: Linux problems
Re: TI-H: Linux problems
Are you using LILO? On some versions of linux, you can type 'linux 1' at
the LILO prompt (instead of just 'linux') to go to runlevel 1. (or you
could 'linux 3' to go to runlevel 3, etc.) Don't know if that is the case
for your setup or not...
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Kaus wrote:
> Hey Grant. This one is thrown to you.
> I have my linux box in my room, no network, but working fine. Or it was.
> Today I coudknt get the mouse to work, and I havn't used the mosue in a
> while , so it mihgt have been dead for a long time. anyway, im not sure if
> its hardware or software, but that isnt my current problem. I was playing
> around and put a command in the rc.M script to go into runlevel 4 (X system)
> but since my mouse wont work, i cant do diddly in X
> now on reboot, it goes right to X, so i cant get it to stop cause i cant get
> to a terminal without the mouse
> you see my problem. I was wondering if there is any way to stop the rc.M
> script from firing all the way, or switching back to runlevel 5, so that i
> can get back to my goodold prompt term again. without a bootdisk that is
> or, from within X, (fvwm) how can i get a xterm session up and running
> without the mouse?
> please, man, you are my only hope! :)
> --kaus