TI-H: WAY off topic...
TI-H: WAY off topic...
Hello again...
New problem for the week... that is if you know
anything about visual basic.
I'm writing a little screen application
program(hard to explain everything its gonna do) for my computer, but the
problem I'm having is that I need to know if the mouse moves for a certain
period of time, so the screensaver part doesn't activate... yes, I can use the
one that windows includes, but its really going to be for a dimming routine
(like MacDim), before the screen saver activates. Anyone have any idea how to
return the mouse position in vb? I was going to do a compare between 2 values
(like if X1 is different than X2, then brighten the screen cuz the mouse moved,
etc...), but can't get a value for where the mouse cursor is on the screen or in
the form... anyone have any ideas? (no, I'm not going to write the program in a
different language)
-Jeff D