TI-H: TI-89's w/256k RAM, 384k Archive mem, + Turbo for TI-89!!!! some
TI-H: TI-89's w/256k RAM, 384k Archive mem, + Turbo for TI-89!!!! some german store
Here's the link:
<A HREF="http://www.digitalis.de/">Digtalis</A>
Click on Produktverzeichnis, then go to the calculator section
Scroll down to the TI-89 thing with the NEU in red, check it out, here's a
quick translation I did:
AGAIN, special price, so long supply TI89 256 KB RAM + 384 KB file memory,
inclusive. Manual, original of Texas Instruments cable TI-TI and Rayovac
Accus + original TI graph-link, available and fast leiferbar? Dunno what
that word means
Anyway you also get a TI graph-link!!! all of this for 299.90 DM, in other
words, $160 or so US
Here's the site to buy the turbo kit at!!! Somebody get it and figure out to
make a one that doesn't cost $16:P
<A HREF="http://www.cynox.de/start.html">Cynox</A>
If anybody finds out more about this e-mail me!!!
-Charles aka Trailblazer