TI-H: Using the parallel port for I2C communications?


TI-H: Using the parallel port for I2C communications?

Anyone know if it would be difficult to use the parallel port
for I2C communications?
What I'm after is a way to use a temp sensor on the computer.
I could use on of those I2C temp sensors that were being sold
as calc temp sensors.  But that means I'd have to write some
parallel port I2C routines too.
Anyone know if I could plug a regular analog temp sensor into
the game port and use its A/D converter to read the temp? The
advantage here is that I already have code for reading the joystick,
I wouldn't have to mess with writing the I2C stuff.  I've read a little
about using the port, but I'm not exactly sure how its done.
I'm after a cheap solution, but I don't want to have to write any
more communications code then necessary.
Civilization is the process of reducing the infinite to the finite.
  --Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.