Re: TI-H: A Little Reminder


Re: TI-H: A Little Reminder

At 10:51 PM 5/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
>BC exam? Masochist.  The AB exam was nasty enough as is.  Rotating graphs
>around an axis still makes my head hurt.

I'm probably going to get at least a 3...that translates to a 4 or 5 on the
AB.  My objective was to get credit for 2nd semester Calculus at Taylor U.
A 3 probably won't cut it, but who knows, they might let it slide.  Once at
Taylor, providing I get credit for 2 semesters, I'll test out of the 3rd
semester.  BTW, I just barely learned how to do the Taylor Series/Maclurin
Series the night before the exam...cramming did me so much good.  I would
have gotten a 5 if I had had more time.  Gee wiz, the test makers think I
can work as fast as everyone who takes the AB.  Not to mention, the
instuctor cut my time short on each section by two minutes.

I know I got the first 2 free-write questions 100% right, I did almost all
of the 3rd question, most of the fourth and some of the fifth...didn't even
get to the sixth...ran out of time.

Rotating graphs around an axis was NOT my main problem...the main problem
is that I had very little idea on how to do parametric equations.  I only
glanced over the material thinking they would only cover them briefly...boy
was I wrong.  Two free-writes involved Taylor Polys. and one nasty one
involved parametric.  I hope they accept conversions between parametric and
the y=... function equations, or I'm doomed!

Overall, I didn't answer 1 free-write at all and didn't answer 8 multiple
choice, and didn't see 1 multiple choice (last question, totalling 9).

After that BC test, AB looks like a walk in the park.  Where do these
people come up with these diabolical questions?  Now there's a calculus
problem that will never be answered!

        Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
