Re: TI-H: Infrared cable adapter


Re: TI-H: Infrared cable adapter

yea thats alright.... but here is a much more devious plan.

build a tiny IR transmiter useing a PIC 12C508 place it in a tiny box
and take it to you local circuit city, place it up on a tall shelf or
hide it behind
something... have it send signals to turn off and on sony TV sets
say every 30 seconds?  maybee random channel and volume +/- also.
just turn it on, place it and walk out ... it will anoy the shit out
of them for weeks.
they will call in expert tecnitions and everything...they will never
figure it out.

dont get caught!.. they will be PISSED when they catch you... i.e.
dont try and go back for the device :)  besides a 12C508 only costs a

> >And i'll bet you guys didn't know I was reading everything you
said... As
> >for this, I'll agree that it's fairly simple to is the
garage door
> >opener. The real joy would be building a keyless entry emulator.
Walk into
> >parking lot. Push button. Suddenly, 40 car alarms go off. Slowly,
> >creeps into your heart, and you feel slightly guilty about it, but
then you
> >realize how much fun you're having.
> That's just plain evil... I like it.
> I was playing around with my new optical link and realized that for
> remote control you need a separate 40KHz timing circuit to modulate
the IR
> beam, because remote controls modulate their carrier so as to filter
> stray light noise.  Keyless entry codes are generally only eight
> (sixteen or thirty-two for the newer ones).  Unfortunately, invalid
> on keyless entry systems don't set off the alarm, so you'd need to
find the
> "panic" button code.  Hmm.  Off to the workbench, I guess.  I need
> time for this kind of stuff. :)  After I get out of high school for
> summer, maybe then I'll take it up.
> More mischievous suggestions welcomed,
> --nick
> Nick Foster / / Bistromath
> Key ID 2048 / 770F6E8F
> Fingerprint  9E 60 08 44 FB F2 C9 CE  BE 74 08 87 2C 39 4B 6E  77 0F
6E 8F
