Re: TI-H: Place


Re: TI-H: Place

>>what about your MP3 player stuff... thats what I was refering to.

>I can't update my www page until I get a new BSD server.  The current one
>is lagging because its serving lan based mp3 players.

oh realy? did you sucsesfuly  get that TCP/IP stack going then?

>The cost of each PCB is $27!  I'm kicking myself since I just ordered 20
>for arround $538.

heheh ouch man.  Ill take one of your hands :)
and these are for which version (parallel, Flash,....)? 
or is there a main PCB for the MAS and DAC and
supporting circuitry, and then a header for an interface circuit board?

I am probably going to work with someone to build a SCSI MP3
decodeing system... build a SCSI controller into it,.
that way we can plug just about any SCSI periphrial into it
without modification, (um...plug n play for lack of a better [good] term)
one of the other guys wants to have like a terabyte worth of SCSI 
drives strung together :)  well he runs a radio station I think =]

I would be very interested to see the stuff you have done with 
the MAS... if there is a way I can see some code/scematics
that would be cool.

I just ordered a sample ATmega103L ... you had exp with them?
just wondering if Im gona need to build some sort of programer?
hopefully It will just let me i.c. program it so all i have to do is add
another row of headers to the circuit... but damn man 128K FLASH!!!
crazy....  but I figure Ill need alot of that for animations and graphics
on the display, espeacialy if we use a touch screen. (well of course 
I wont need it , but it will be fun to try to fill it up) =]

sorry for the long OT mail.
just got caried away, forgive my spelling(actualy forgive me
 for my spelling, its not the spellings fault)=)
don't have a spell checker installed yet, I guess I just cant bring myself
 to install yet another microsoft product, hehe.

latter, Regards,
