Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw


Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw

>Mac OS X server bites; this has already been proved.  But if the workstation
>version pans out to be what it claims, then yes, the Mac OS will rock.  But
>the machines will still be grossly overpriced.  ::sigh::  If only Macs could
>lose their crappy corporate image, then MAYBE their price would drop enough
>to make me say "Hey, you know what?  Let's go with the consistently built
>platform, here."  But until Macintosh smartens up, that ain't gonna happen.

Get it?  Its not apple that makes the price high.  Its the quality of the
parts used to build them.  Take a look at the prices of the 750 processor
compared to the PII.  The processor alone from IBM is more expensive.
