Re: TI-H: (OT about Grant's 486/68000)
Re: TI-H: (OT about Grant's 486/68000)
There is more than one psx-emulator out for dos/windows.. most of them suck..
bleem is up on, a new dem came out 2 days ago, and from what I can
read on the page, it runs game CD's and doesn't need hardware accelerators.
(even though it probably help alot) what machine you need is then more up to the
They are also working on a linux port.
I guess you are leaning on old news pal..
Grant Stockly wrote:
> Thats very funny. It takes more than a 200MMX and it doesn't run unless
> you have hardware gfx card.
> Its also been taken off the internet due to a lawsuit.
> >There is a psx emualtor that (I am told) runs very well on a P200MMX without
> >hardware gfx acceleration.
> >it is called bleem. It came out as beta some time ago, but I don't know the
> >status of it now.. It is no big company who is makeing it and it is in
> >pure asm
> >so... (only about 200k in size to)
> >but it clearly shows it is very possible. it's just a matter of codeing.
> >
> >//Olle
> >
> >J D wrote:
> >> Eh, I remember reading that somewhere. But if that's NOT true, then there
> >> are two possibilities - 1)whoever programmed the PSX emu was a Mac freak and
> >> refused to write it for the PC or 2)something political went on wherein Mac
> >> got exclusive rights to it. Because with the PIII's multimedia IS add-ons,
> >> I can't imagine that it wouldn't work very, very well on a PC.