Re:TI-H: (OT about Grant's 486/68000)
Re:TI-H: (OT about Grant's 486/68000)
>> >I imagine there are no commercial PIII emulators for PSX because the
>> >core processor is a helluva lot closer to a G3 than a Wintel chip.
>>Ohh realy. :) For someone who programs asm, tell me how. :)
>Eh, I remember reading that somewhere. But if that's NOT true, then there
>are two possibilities - 1)whoever programmed the PSX emu was a Mac freak and
>refused to write it for the PC or 2)something political went on wherein Mac
>got exclusive rights to it. Because with the PIII's multimedia IS add-ons,
>I can't imagine that it wouldn't work very, very well on a PC.
There is one, but it runs very badly.