TI-H: Interesting thing happened to me and my 92


TI-H: Interesting thing happened to me and my 92


Just before I was taking apart my TI-92 (+) to see if I could fit any
LEDs for a backlight in it. One thing led to another, and I ended up
going for a "tour" of my calc. When I put the thing back together, it
wouldn't work. I tried for hours, disassembling it, and reassembling it,
but still, it wouldn't work. To make a long story short, I got it to
work, but now it is faster......no really! stop laughing at me!
Actually, the calc isn't faster, the LCD is.....my LCD always had a slow
effect to it.....things would fade in no matter what I was doing, even
with fresh batteries. Now, things appear so fast, it looks like a CRT
instead of an LCD.....strange isn't it? I messed around with the LCD
screws, and I don't know if I screwed (excuse the pun) the LCD up. What
do you think? Thanks.

