RE: TI-H: Link port function
RE: TI-H: Link port function
Ok thanks for the help.
Has the spec a name ?? What should I search for??
PD How is your mp3 player project going ??
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Grant Stockly <>
Para: <>
Fecha: Domingo 30 de Mayo de 1999 03:38 a.m.
Asunto: Re: TI-H: Link port function
Search the archives. I'm upgrading server drives so I can't get it right
I've posted it to the list 3 times or so.
>I want some help, with the Link Port protocol.
>How should I drive the red and white wire to send an 0x85 (hexa) to the
>port, I read all the docs, but couldnĄt figure it out !!!
>This one above, ti-ports is rather confusing it says for example " 0: white
>is positive and electons are flowing, or white is negative " for a 0 is it
>Gnd or 5v ??? :-(
> Port 7 : Link Port
>Bits 7 & 6 : have an effect, but don't seem to be important
>Bit 5 = 1 : white wire is negative or off
> 0 : white wire is negative or positive
>Bit 4 = 1 : red wire is negative or off
> 0 : red wire is negative or positive
>Bit 3 = 1 : white wire is negative
> 0 : white wire is positive or off
>Bit 2 = 1 : red wire is negative
> 0 : red wire is positive or off
>Bits 1 & 0 : have an effect, but don't seem to be important
>00000000 00: read Bare->Red and Bare->White currents
>00000100 04: read Bare->White or Red->White current
>00001000 08: read Bare->Red or White->Red current
>00010000 10: read Bare->White current
>00100000 20: read Bare->Red current
>Other combinations are redundant or useless.
>Note: The ROM uses values with bits 6 and 7 set.
>Bits 3 and 2 are the same as they were in the value last written.
>Bit 1 = 1: white is positive, but circuit is open
> 0: white is positive and electons are flowing,
> or white is negative
>Bit 0 = 1: red wire is positive, but circuit is open
> 0: red is positive and electons are flowing,
> or red is negative