Re: TI-H: Fuck macintosh


Re: TI-H: Fuck macintosh

>Doesn't mean you have the right to act intolerant and closed-minded.

I wasn't, and wasn't.

>Doesn't mean you have to impress your opinions on other people in an
>offensive manner.

I wasn't.

>Sure, you can, but then other people just get angry and
>intolerant with _you_.  Treat well, be treated well.  Simple rule.  Why
>can't anyone follow it?

I don't know.  My ISP and Internic hate me.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Cavan Carroll <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, July 10, 1999 6:59 PM
>Subject: Re: TI-H: Fuck macintosh
>> Everyone has the right to do whatever the fuck they want to so go screw
>> yourself.
>> It is in the constitution that we can "act" whatever age we want to but
>> really it is all about your purseption of us as acting like 6th graders
>> really we are just acting like ourselves.
>> There is no "way" to act when you are any age, just society's bullshit
>> thinking that we should act like them!
>> Leave us alone you bastard.
>> > >I fuck allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer InCRAPorated, and to
>> > >the evil men for which it stands, one crappy platform, under  a fag,
>> > >destructible, with increativity and crap on a stick for all.
>> >
>> >Grow up, will you?  You are behaving like a disturbed 6th grader.
>>     suck it
>>      world's biggest idiot
>>         Cavan Carrol
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