Re: TI-H: networking two DOS PCs (OT like the rest of them)


Re: TI-H: networking two DOS PCs (OT like the rest of them)

Go to

It shows how to use Micro$oft's (free) networking software to network DOS
computers, including file and printer sharing.  It also includes basic win 3.11
and win95/98 network software setup.  All use NetBEUI, but include support for
ipx/spx and tcp/ip.

Very easy dos setup, I was surprised.  Just set extra my dos box up this last
week, now I have to think of something to do with it (other than duke3d and


Giles Pollock wrote:
> I have just started building my first pc and I would like it to have basic
> network support. I'm not very experienced with networking but I have noticed
> a large amoun of OT messages about Ethernet and I was wondering if anyone
> knew how to connect two dos PCs with a NE2000 compatible card and an
> EN7000p3 or SMC8013 network cards. I also have an old Synoptics Model 800 8
> port hub but i'd prefer to connect the pcs through that thin coax cable. Can
> anyone help me with software, hardware or anything like that?
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