Re: TI-H: OT: And the felling blow...
Re: TI-H: OT: And the felling blow...
MacOS does support Multi-linking Modems, as Paul said. The software
for Mac is called LinkUPPP and AOL 4.0 on a mac can also do this
(hook two modems up and look at the settings.
At approximately 12:47 PM -0400GMT on the day Earth People call
7/2/99, Paul Kafasis declared:
> 6.Windows supports mult-linking modems; Mac-OS does not- "The
>original modems could only transmit up to 2400 baud - a small text
>document would take over aminute to download! " My original modem was a
>300 baud, to nitpick...Anyway, this is all well and good, but my Mac
>broke the 56 k wall with my cable modem. I don't need two of those, let
>me tell you. Now, I spend my tiem waiting for servers, not my modem.
>Telephone modems are dying, at least the standard ones, like 56k. Also,
>Macs CAN do this, if they want. It just needs 3rd party software.
>Windows users need to get a separate pack for this anyway.
I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.