Re: TI-H: OT: And the felling blow...


Re: TI-H: OT: And the felling blow...

PAUL! You forgot something, the wonderful Internet Config (No PC user 
knows about this and very few mac users do, it is SO transparent.) it 
comes configured with more .ext to Applications (associations) than a 
new PC. Also, there are programs out there to make you mac work 
exactly like a PC on this (why, I have NO clue) this program takes 
over the Type/Creator codes and really sucks. I have not had ANY 
problem with an internet file, shoutcast (antenna!), Self-extracting 
PC archives, zip archives, sit archive. You name it, it works on my 
mac. SO the extension thing is completely unfounded and obviously the 
person that wrote it has never used a mac.

At approximately 12:47 PM -0400GMT on the day Earth People call 
7/2/99, Paul Kafasis declared:

>     4.Windows file extensions allow greater control and work flawlessly
>with the Internet- This is pure BS. Much as I want all my files to end
>in .exe or .wav, I'd prefere to have my Mac take care of it. And the
>file exchange RARELY opens on my mac. Programs are configed. to
>automatically open specific files. IAnd if File Exchange DOES open, it's
>to allow me to chose to open the file in any of a number of programs
>which can read that type(IE JPEG VIEWER or Picture Viewer)

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to 
the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, 
indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all. 
