Re: TI-H: OT: More evidence :)
Re: TI-H: OT: More evidence :)
>> >Witness the testimony of those who built an OS originally specifically
>> >the PowerPC platform: Be, Inc:
>> >
>> >With the release of BeOS 4.5, Be now fully supports the Wintel
>> > Please keep this in mind at the following URL:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >"If you don't have a platform preference, however, and are planning to
>>buy a
>> >new system for the BeOS, frankly, the price/performance ratio seems more
>> >compelling on the Intel Architecture side. Just take a look at our Ming
>> >Specials page for an example of how inexpensive high-performance hardware
>> >can be:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >In particular, when buying a new system, the number of options and
>> >for multiprocessor hardware is simply greater on the Intel side of the
>> >fence. The BeOS really loves processors, and will be happier the more you
>> >give it...though it runs great on single processor systems, too."
>> >
>> >OOHH! That's cold, Grant ;-)
>>First of all, the BeOS doesn't support multiple processors, so you can
>>start comparing performance between PIs and Ppros running BeOS.
>Wait, so they lied? I think it explicitly says there that it DOES support
>multiple processors....?
I meant they don't support one or multiple G3 chips.
>And what are you talking about with that, anyway? I've seen at least dual
>G3 systems, I know I have....
I know.
>>Not too fast there...
Intel, IBM, AMD, Alpha&Samsung, none! of the chips in this age do good
multiple processing. The PPC chips get the same performance inprovement
per processor as the Aloha and Intel.
>>You can't compare 2 year old Macs running BeOS and '99 IBMs. That just
>>goes to show you like the laugh without the info.
> can't. What are you saying here? No one's comparing 2 year old
>Macs to '99 ones.
Yes! BeOS only runs on 2 y/o macs!