TI-H: Re: Pocket Linux
TI-H: Re: Pocket Linux
Does anyone REALY want the StrongARM? I prefer the PPC for software
availability. :)
>What were your criterion for processor selection? an 80MHz PPC 403 seems
>a bit out of place for this sort of application.
The PPC403GCX is (when it comes down to cost and design complexity) the
best choice. Designing the board with the StrongARM would result in about
4-5 painful layers of PCB. Just prototypes would run $5,000.
The PPC403GCX is also just about as fast as a comparable StrongARM. In
fact, I mixed up my statistics on the first post. At 80MHz, it does 112
>> I'm going to include 16bit 44kHz Stero sound, 2 serial ports, and a
>> parallel port (that can be used by adaptor). By the way of a CS4334 and
>> Scenix 100MHz 100mips mini DSP.
>That sounds pretty expensive.. my personal preference for RS232 is the
>MAX3245E (Maxim).. That company also provides some of the best power supply
>and uP supervisory products i've ever seen..
The dac runs at ~$3.20 in 10 to 100 and $2.99 for 100+. The Scenix is a
new processor which I was lucky to get my hands on. Its actually a $12
processor that has the PICs instruction set, but without the 1/4 MIP value.
Its 1/1. (1MIP/1MHz) All the Scenix does here is treible, bass, volume,
and takes in parallel data to serialize it (at 28MHz MCLK with LRCK 1/18 of
>The size is completely dependant on your visual interface..
The LCD is just a bit smaller than the case. Just right for this. It uses
an 8bit Hitachi type interface. If the glasses were used, then the LCD
could be thrown.
>why do you want anything that even resembles a hard drive?
The SanDisk ATA flash doesn't 'look' like a hard drive, it acts like one.
Standard IDE ATA drivers can use them. It makes life much easier. :)
The Iomega drive also makes quite a loud whiring noise. I wish the IBM
MicroDrive was out (its the size compact flash and stores 340MB/170MB).
>There are a few vendors that sell 64-MB 32-bit wide 144-pin (TQFP) ICs for
>embedded systems.. very cheap.
The problem is that the PPC Embedded processor (ONLY) has 16MB pages, so
each 32bit wide chip has to be 16MB or smaller. Most memory sold in DIMMS
isn't in configurations higher than 16MB per chip.
>If you're planning to run anything with a GUI, scaling 640x480 to 256x128
>will give people a headache.. (this is just my opinion, though)
Thas for emergencies (or people with too much time. :) ). The LCD
provides 80x25 without shrinking, so thats fine for most users. The
glasses provide 640x480 and color.
>If you're using a PPC chip, why do you need to rewrite the PPC kernel?
>You probably don't even have to write display routines. most LCD vendors will
>give you all the driver code you want. (In my experience, at least)
I realy meant just rewrite the I/O parts. Most everything in this unit is
different from a PPC based workstation/server such as the Mac. The
manufacture of the LCD, for an example, doesn't even have a web site.