Re: TI-H: LED Backlight


Re: TI-H: LED Backlight

From: Grant Stockly <>
>>BTW. How are the new EL auto-on plans coming?
>There realy aren't plans needed.  Get the enable line from the onboard ram.
>It goes low and another high when the sram is pumping power.

I wouldn't be comfortable drawing 30+mA (and noisy at that) directly from
the board, I don't know how much those components can source, and I wouldn't
want to hook up the noisy inverter directly to it.

Also, by using the unused capacitor pads I specify on my page you get
the handy feature of being able to turn the backlight on or off simply by
changing the contrast up or down one step.

For those interested in using a backlight autoswitch but that don't know
much about electronics, or don't care to do the work them selves, for
whatever reason, step-by-step plans are very helpful.

