Re: TI-H: Linux ftp
Re: TI-H: Linux ftp
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 06:33:06PM -0600, David Knaack wrote:
> From: Jon Olson <>
> >Recompiling isn't easy, i'm gonna give you the same advice i've
> >given others. Come on IRC ( #cyclone) and ask me how to do
> >it. It's one of those fairly interactive things :>. Of course, if you've
> >only got one box I guess that would be a bit difficult,
> NP, I have several, but I'm cheap, so I only have one monitor :)
> >but it's not something for beginners to attempt.
> Linux beginners or computer beginners? I'm a professional
> programmer, so recompiling stuff shouldn't be too difficult.
Linux beginners. If you're a professional programmer though, it should
help. Mostly you need to know a lot about the hardware inside your
computer. Especially if you want to use Linux to it's full potential.
> >Although I'm not a big fan of it, there's is something for X called KDE
> >that looks similar to Windows, and gives you a fairly powerful shell.
> >however, to do the most complex tasks you still need a command line (I'm
> >sorry, but i think that's true of every operating system).
> I don't mind command shells that much, I just dislike badly documented
> stuff, and until I figure out how to drive the help system thats how things
> look. In reality linux is far better documented than old DOS or Win98.
> >If you wanna see what my X box looks like i've got a screenshot up at
> What window manager is that?
That is Window Maker. It's a nice basically designed to look like NeXT. I
use it because it has enough customization for me, and it's fast. If ya
wany customizability, but don't care about speed, there's always
Enlightenment (which looks phenominal, but is SLOOOW).
> >Now, I will admit there is very little UI conformity in X, for the simple
> >reason that no single widget set is used throughout. I'm considdersting
> >starting a movement toward UI conformity wherever possable
> Sounds good to me, one reason windows is successful as a desktop
> OS is that program designers know that most users will be confused
> by UIs that don't conform to the standard (in general there are lots
> of exceptions).
> DK