TI-H: Linux ftp


TI-H: Linux ftp

Hi guys,
    I just set up Linux on my old 486 system and I need some help,
because I'm new to the os. I know enough from good old dos to find my
way around the machine and setup RPMs and other fun stuff.  What I want
to do is turn this box into a ftp and a ethernet router. The general
idea is to go to Georgia Tech and run two machines off of my one
ethernet connection. The Linux machine will be up 24/7 running the ftp
(for Ti-calc stuff, See! I'm on topic!) and the other machine, my pII
400, will be up an down (you all know how reliable wintel machines are)
to play games and other stuff. I have an idea of what i'm doing but I
have a few questions. I understand Linux has an ftp manager built into
it and I've played with it a bit, but how do I configure accounts and
all the other fun stuff? Through the network configuration? I'm used to
war-ftp for win95. Or do I need more software? If so what? What hardware
is necessary to link these two machines together and the ethernet? Just
2 ethernet cards? or do I need a hub? Anyway, Maybe i should be on a
Linux mailing list.... but there's enough knowledge base here to help me
out and i don't want to sort through too many off topic messages from
another list. :-)
