Re: TI-H: Speed of da G3
Re: TI-H: Speed of da G3
Extensions are what every other OS does (linux, even windows) except 1)
they give a big display of each little addon in a nice icon thing and 2)
they take forever to load (it would probably seem faster if it didn't have
to show you loading each single one).
At 03:30 PM 1/14/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> the mod hack? :)
>>>VGS 1.0 plus RoD, heh.
>No, the thing that lets you install it without the CD is made by RoD,
>read the docs if you have it :)
>> even bleem on a K6-300 slows down....and an iMac does it fine. :) (Tekken
>Well duh, PSX is risc and the Mac is risc, and the ATI Hardware is
>not even really needed, its the libs in the extensions (I wish PC
>users understood what extensions (INITs) do) Lalalala. Gimmie ACPLay.
>I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.