Re: TI-H: Speed of da G3


Re: TI-H: Speed of da G3

>I've used a mac for PCB design and other such applications.  I agree
>that for many applications it does very well, and can outperform a PC
>running windows.  But there are also many applications where it will
>perform less  admirably than a pc running windows.

Name one.  :)

>Assuming one wanted to play sony playstation games on their PC,  one
>could develop a VM for it.  But I don't understand how you could say
>that because someone developed one for the MAC, that makes the mac an
>all-around better choice for everyone on this list?  Perhaps you have a
>different perspective than I.

There have been tries at it, but the processors currently out can't handle
it.  I paid $899 for my 300MHz processor a year ago.

Basically you get what you pay for.  a $139 processor in a mac isn't going
to be pretty either...

>Anyway, thanks for the instruction manual.  I've been looking all over
>the internet for that, and I should've known I could have simply emailed
>you for it.  ;-)
