Re: TI-H: Speed of da G3


Re: TI-H: Speed of da G3

Its emulated.  Not recompiled.  It doesn't matter what it is that you are

>Well since the (shitty) PS is RISC, well, you know.
>At 06:22 PM 1/12/99 -0900, you wrote:
>>When one of you people can show me a 300MHz Pent or any Pentium for that
>>matter emulating a PSX game in realtime, I'll be happy.
>>The 233MHz iMac for $1,199 can do it.
>>This isn't a joke.  I downloaded it today.  Any mac users that want it?  I
>>even have mod chip patches.
>>Connectix Virtual Game Station
>>�1998-99, Connectix Corp.
>>Version 1.0 - January 5, 1999
>>This Read Me is divided into the following sections:
>>* On This CD
>>* Using The Installer
>>* About Connectix Virtual Game Station
>>* Troubleshooting Tips
>>* Compatibility Issues
>>* Important Updates
>>* How to Contact Connectix
>>On This CD
>>On the Connectix Virtual Game Station CD you will find:
>>* ATI Universal Installer 3.3
>>* ATI 3.3E Read Me
>>* ATI Driver Update
>>* Connectix VGS Installer
>>* Connectix VGS Read Me
>>Using the Installer
>>The installation of Connectix Virtual Game Station is a three-step process.
>>Please follow these guidelines carefully and your installation should be
>>quick and effective!
>>STEP 1
>>* Because all shipping G3-based Apple PowerMac models (PowerMac G3,
>>PowerBook G3, and iMac) utilize variants of the ATI Rage graphics chipset,
>>it is necessary to install the most recent versions of the drivers for your
>>hardware. Despite the fact that this hardware may vary from unit to unit,
>>the ATI Universal Installer will still place the appropriate driver
>>extensions and control panels into your system.
>>Please do the following:
>>- Insert the Connectix VGS CD into your CD drive.
>>- Double-click the Connectix VGS CD icon on your desktop.
>>- Double-click the ATI Universal Installer 3.3 Icon.
>>- Click on the Continue button.
>>- Scroll through and read the installer's information window, then simply
>>click on the next Continue button.
>>- Click on the Agree button to acknowledge ATI's End User License Agreement.
>>- From the drop-down menu entitled Easy Install, choose Custom Install.
>>This is very important.
>>- From the Custom Install window, select Xclaim�VR(Rage Pro).
>>- Choose the proper drive to install to via the Install Location drop-down
>>- Click on Install.
>>- Click on Yes in response to the "Do you wish to continue" query.
>>- Allow the ATI Universal Installer 3.3 to complete.
>>- The installer will display a dialog indicating that "The installer cannot
>>detect the corresponding ATI hardware." Do not worry. Click Continue in
>>response to the "Do you want to continue" question.
>>- Acknowledge any dialog regarding duplicate or locked items. This may or
>>may not appear, depending upon your current, active extensions set. The
>>installer is simply alerting you to the fact that it has replaced active
>>items in your System Folder with newer versions.
>>- Acknowledge the "Installation was successful" dialog by clicking on Quit.
>>- Close the "Xclaim Video Player Folder" window which appears.
>>- Go to step 2.
>>STEP 2
>>- Return to the Connectix VGS CD's window.
>>- Double-click the ATI Driver Update icon.
>>- Click on the Continue button.
>>- Click on the Agree button to acknowledge ATI's End User License Agreement.
>>- From the drop-down menu entitled Easy Install, choose Easy Install.
>>- Choose the proper drive to install to via the Install Location drop-down
>>- Click on Install.
>>- Click on Yes in response to the "Do you wish to continue" query.
>>- Acknowledge the "Installation was successful" dialog by clicking on OK.
>>- Go to Step 3.
>>STEP 3
>>- Return to the Connectix VGS CD's window.
>>- Double-click the Connectix VGS Installer icon.
>>- Scroll through and read the CVGS End User License Agreement, then simply
>>click on the next Continue button.
>>- From the drop-down menu entitled Easy Install, choose Easy Install.
>>- Choose the proper drive to install to via the Install Location drop-down
>>- Click on Install.
>>- Acknowledge the "Installation was successful" dialog by clicking on
>>either OK or Restart.
>>- In order to use Connectix Virtual Game Station, you must restart your Mac
>>in order for the changes made by the installers to take effect.
>>- Go play!
>>About Connectix Virtual Game Station
>>Connectix Virtual Game Station allows you to play many popular Sony
>>PlayStation� games on your Mac. The product includes one application
>>(Connectix Virtual Game Station) and creates one preference file (Connectix
>>VGS Preferences) and one memory card file. The application must be
>>installed from the master CD to work properly.
>>To view current information about Connectix Virtual Game Station, including
>>notification of new updates, please point your web browser to:
>>Troubleshooting Tips
>>* CD is Consistently Ejected? If you put in a CD and it is consistently
>>ejected, there are two reasons for this.
>>1.  You have inserted a CD that isn't a PlayStation CD.
>>2.  You have inserted a European or Japanese PlayStation Game.
>>* Can't Run a European or Japanese PlayStation Game? Connectix Virtual Game
>>Station is currently limited to North America. This means it will not run
>>on system software written for countries outside of the US, Canada or
>>Mexico. It also does not allow users to run PlayStation games written for
>>Japan or Europe.
>>* USB Controller Not Responding When Connected to a USB hub? Devices hooked
>>up to USB hubs might drop off the USB bus and not respond to button
>>presses. You should restart your Mac to reset the USB bus.  We are
>>currently investigating this issue.
>>* Can't Return to a Game After Ejecting the CD? Ejecting some games which
>>regularly read from CD while Connectix Virtual Game Station is paused and
>>then re-inserting may not always allow the game to be returned to. This
>>behavior is game-dependent and occurs on actual PlayStation hardware and
>>not only through VGS.
>>* Is Returning to a Game After Pausing Through Game's Interface or Through
>>VGS Using the "Escape" Key Slow? If a game is paused for more than a short
>>period of time, the CD may spin down in the interim. You may see a pause
>>immediately after resuming while the CD spins back up.
>>* Waking From Sleep While VGS is Running Takes A While? Putting your Mac to
>>sleep while Connectix Virtual Game Station is running can result in delayed
>>wakeup times. Simple workarounds for this is to pause VGS by way of
>>pressing the Escape or Command-P keys before sleeping your Mac, or simply
>>quitting VGS before sleeping.
>>* Can't Use Two Identical ADB-Based Controllers? Use of two identical
>>ADB-based controllers will only allow one to function fully - the other
>>will only act a pointing device. One workaround, hardware permitting, is to
>>use two different ADB-based controllers as Controllers 1 and 2
>>appropriately. Another solution is to use the keyboard as one of the two
>>* Input Sprockets Compliant ADB Controller Users Need Not Configure
>>Controllers Through Manufacturer's Software. Input Sprockets provides
>>direct functionality on a per-application basis so that users with an
>>ADB-based controller (CH GamePad Pro, for example) don't need to configure
>>the CH GamePad Pro Control Panel by way of mapping keyboard equivalents.
>>The CH GamePad Pro Control Panel simply needs to be present in your active
>>extensions set. Connectix Virtual Game Station users can directly configure
>>their controllers through the application's Edit menu --> Preferences...
>>--> Setup Controller.
>>* Music and Sound Effects Sound Distorted? Users whose hardware features
>>the "SRS" 3D surround sound system (e.g. iMacs) should turn off the
>>functionality in their Monitors & Sound control panel. This feature often
>>distorts the music and sound effects produced through Connectix VGS.
>>* Game Play Choppy on PowerBooks?  PowerBooks have a feature called Power
>>Cycling that lets you slow down your processor speed in order to save
>>battery life. If your PowerBook has Power Cycling, be sure to turn it off
>>before using Connectix Virtual Game Station.
>>* What About the Energy Saver Control Panel? You should set this control
>>panel so that the unit's hard disk will not spin down separately.
>>Compatibility Issues
>>* Connectix Virtual Game Station is currently limited to functioning in
>>North America. This means it will not run on system software written for
>>countries outside of the U.S., Canada or Mexico. It also does not allow
>>users to run PlayStation games written for Japan or Europe.
>>* Connectix VGS minimum requirements: Apple-produced G3-based (or newer
>>CPU) Macintosh with appropriate ATI hardware and drivers. Because Connectix
>>VGS makes extensive use of system bus bandwidth, computers that contain G3
>>upgrade cards do not generally have fast enough buses for VGS to function
>>* Apple branded CD ROM Drives and Drivers are required for compatibility
>>with Connectix VGS. Please use the Apple CD-ROM and drivers which shipped
>>with your Mac.
>>* Not all PlayStation games play well with CVGS and some may not play at
>>For a list of games that are currently recommended for use with CVGS please
>>go to
>>How To Contact Connectix
>>Connectix Corporation
>>2955 Campus Drive
>>San Mateo, CA   94403
>>Telephone: (650) 571-5100
>>FAX: (650) 571-5195
>>World Wide Web
>>	  or
>>Technical Support Internet email
>>Customer Service and Sales Internet email
