Re:TI-H: Speed of da G3


Re:TI-H: Speed of da G3

What is a joke it you trying to give it away :) Its $40 Commercial 
and its great, anyone one my kinky FAQ?

At approximately 6:22 PM -0900GMT on the day Earth People call 
1/12/99, Grant Stockly declared:

> When one of you people can show me a 300MHz Pent or any Pentium for 
> that matter emulating a PSX game in realtime, I'll be happy.
> The 233MHz iMac for $1,199 can do it.
> This isn't a joke.  I downloaded it today.  Any mac users that want 
> it?  I even have mod chip patches.

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to 
the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, 
indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all. 

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