RE: TI-H: Radio switch


RE: TI-H: Radio switch

Also, did I hear this right? The cable modems are sort of like the old token
ring networks, where if one person on the network is essentially hogging
bandwidth, it slows down everyone else? (I wouldn't think that it would be
too noticeable, except if you live in the center of New York, at 5:30, when
everyone in the city is on their computers) I know that the ADSL lines that
the phone company I'm with is putting in, it eliminates this "bandwidth
sharing" problem (if you want to call it a problem). I also noticed that our
ADSL lines are supporting 10mbits both ways (up & down). Kinda cool,
downlaod & upload at the same speed, enven though most systems have enough
bandwith problems keeping up with a T3 over normal internet (only gets to
about 150K/sec over normal internet(from what I've observed)).

-jeff dezur

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Knaack
Sent:	Friday, January 08, 1999 11:18 PM
To:	TI Hardware
Subject:	Fw: TI-H: Radio switch

From: Grant Stockly <>
>How fast up/down and whats your d/l limit before you have to pay extra?

Upload speed is 768kbps, and the hardware supports up to 27Mbps
download, but I think the system will be limited to 10Mbps.
Naturally this is peak sustainable, actual speeds will depend on
the hardware, the system load and the speed of the site sourcing
the data.

Service info hasn't mentioned any data limitations, but its not complete
yet either, I expect they hide that data until you get your bill :)


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