Re: Re(2): TI-H: Rom version?
Re: Re(2): TI-H: Rom version?
From: Bryan Rabeler <>
>No, its really 2nd-more-alpha-S :)
>On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, David Norelid wrote:
>> no, its 2nd mode, aplha S. my bad
Mode-S would have been sufficient.
I have 85's with versions 3.0a, 8.0, 9.0 and (2) with 10.0.
Someone was asking about the display board differences
on different rom versions. The 3.0a and 8.0 both have 3
large chips on the display board, I'm not sure what the 9.0
has, the 10s have one chip in the middle (like the 86's).
Just for the curious I have:
3.0a : Unmodified
8.0 : EL backlight, turbo switch (modifed by me)
9.0 : Spin, turbo, power port (modified by me)
10 : turbo switch, spin (removed), EL (removed)
10 : spin (removed), bad LCD cable (difficult to read)