Re: TI-H: e2emu32 Release 0.2.x is up on


Re: TI-H: e2emu32 Release 0.2.x is up on

----- Original Message -----
From: David Knaack <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: e2emu32 Release 0.2.x is up on

>From: Kaus <>
>>The E2 emulator is pushing ahead.  I have a brand new interface done (very
>>command line oriented.  reminiscent of vi, mail, etc on UNIX/LINUX
>Great, vi, state of the art in 'obtusity' <g>
True, but I find it fun :)
It is similar to vi mostly in that you have to press ESC to get to command
input mode, after a command it automatically goes back to emulation mode.  I
wish I could have it emulate while accepting commands, but it wouldnt be
easy, id have to trap an interrupt routine, and at that point, all hopes of
haveing portable code pretty much goes down the tubes :)  Once you are in
command mode, it is more like the mail interface, with command arg1 arg2
type command stucture :) so, a little better than vi's one letter commands
:)  (although one letter commands are possible in my program as well :)

>>I love the interface, but i am sure many of you won't.  For you, I will
>>begin work on the windows 95/98 version of the emulator.
>Cool.  I'm curious about your architecture, have you written all your core
>routines with the intention of being able to easily swap interfaces?
Yeah.  All the routines would remain the same except the interface one, and
so everything gets really realy easy to do.
