Re: Re(2): TI-H: LED Backlight


Re: Re(2): TI-H: LED Backlight

I love how defensive some people get when they see the word 'erase'. 
All I meant was that you have to erase everything that was 
chaged/added by you to the calc in terms of software. I was not 
talking about the ROM.

At approximately 12:45 PM -0600GMT on the day Earth People call 
2/1/99, Kaus declared:

> That isnt erasing your ram.  that is modifying a certain piece of it.  True,
> tho only way to do this is replace the entire thing at once, but the way the
> thing was origianlly stated made it sound like you had to get rid of the
> calculator functionality.

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to 
the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, 
indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all. 
