Re: TI-H: OT: But still has to do with programming (not TI, though)
Re: TI-H: OT: But still has to do with programming (not TI, though)
From: Jeff Dezur <>
>I got the system written to the CD, and it loads nicely without there being
>hard drive
That is a neat idea, wish I'd thought of it.
>I do know that the player will accept input codes from the keyboard buffer,
>pretending that that remote is a keyboard and putting data into the buffer,
>but how would I put info into it?
By it do you mean the keyboard buffer? If so I have some code around
here somewhere that will do that, its pretty slick. We used it for DOS
installation programs. The installer would run and install the software,
then stuff the keyboard buffer with the name of the new program and
a carrage return, then exit. DOS would process the buffer just as if
the user had typed the keys and run the program.
All you have to do is move your keystrokes into the DOS keyboard
buffer then move the tail pointer so that DOS can see that there is
new data there. The buffer is about 12 keys or so long I think, so
you would have to keep all your input shorter than that, but I'd guess
that won't be much of a problem.
I think the code is in Pascal, but its pretty straightforward, just moving
some data around (IIRC), I'll get it for you if you like. Might take a
little bit tho, our main drive went down and we had to get it recovered
at a data recover place. Came back on 6 CDs with no indication of
where anything was. All the directories have been randomly relocated
and renamed to sequential numbers, and the long filenames are gone.