Re: TI-H: Re: y2k[increasingly off topic] Now discussing the Simpsons so
Re: TI-H: Re: y2k[increasingly off topic] Now discussing the Simpsons somehow...
Speaking of Rev. Lovejoy, I heard that the woman who does the voice of
Helen Lovejoy, Maude Flanders, and some others, is leaving the Simpsons.
Those characters will slowly fade out of existence. Anyone else hear
about this?
On Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:22:07 -0500 Paul Kafasis <>
> Marge: Did you see a man come by here, chased by three kids on
> motorbikes?
> Don: I see lots of stuff...
> Marge: Did you see that?
> Rev. Lovejoy: Baboons to the left of me, baboons to the right, the
> speeding locomotive tore through a sea (of inhuman fangs? Can't
> remember). A pair of the great apes rose up at me. But BAM! BIFF! I
> sent
> them flying like hairy footballs.
> Great Episode.