Re: TI-H: Re: y2k
Re: TI-H: Re: y2k
so except for a few lucky people that use geothermal
power we're all screwed.
--- David Knaack <> wrote:
> Just for fun, think about this.
> The US runs on oil. It is the lifeblood of our
> economy. The gas crises of
> the 70's was caused by a mere 7% dip in the oil
> supply.
> US government contingency plans are based on about a
> 70% drop in
> availability. At that rate, there will be no oil
> based products available
> for general consumption. That means basicly all
> power generation will fail
> in short order, including hydroelectric (which
> apparently is dependant on
> large amounts of very specific oil based
> lubricants).
> A few power stations have their own mines and wells,
> but not many. I have
> no idea how dependant nuclear power is on oil, but
> in the US it only
> accounts for about 10% of our power anyway (around
> 7gigawatts).
> These experts claim that the SHTF about the third
> week of Jan, when there
> will no longer be any gasoline or power available
> for public usage. The
> government oil reserves (which are actually
> patheticly small and low grade,
> about 3 days worth at the US consumption rate) will
> be strictly limited to
> military operations, and will take around 3 years to
> pump out and refine
> using the existing equipment (ie, low availability,
> even to the military).
> Every oil company claims to be y2k ready, but
> consider that if they said
> ANYTHING else, their stock would tank and they'd be
> out of business in a
> matter of weeks.
> Better put on your peril sensitive sunglasses.
> DK
> --
> "People that hate cats, will come back as mice in
> their next life."
> --Faith Resnick
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