Re: TI-H: My OT question... Part 2
Re: TI-H: My OT question... Part 2
Hi all
The guys at north country radio sell a kit that is fully PLL controlled, and
dip switch programmable. here is the web page describing it
i have built one designed around the ba1404 ic and found it to drift a KHz or
more at a controlled temp and was very dissatisfied with it. the MPX96 was easy
to build and well worth the extra money. it will cost more now but the time you
spend trying to get the ba1404 ic to work will not be worth the savings.
btw if you don't care about the fcc coming down on your @#$ check out phillips
semi. they make a nice push pull 150 watt bipolar transistor for the fm band.
Bryan Fields, KB9MCI
jeff dezur wrote:
> Ok, I found a schematic for one, but it uses a chip that I can't seem to be
> able to find.. namely at Radio Shack. (its close, and I'm too impatient to
> wait for anyplace else) Anyone know anyplace I can get a BA1404 ic chip?
> -jeff dezur