Re: TI-H: MAS 3507D (MP3 Decoder)
Re: TI-H: MAS 3507D (MP3 Decoder)
Would you take $60 (US) for two? Do you accept visa/MC, or should I send a
cashier's check? Should I go ahead and post all my credit card info in this
list, or do you have an email account that you check frequently? (I've sent
email to you that hasn't been answered before...)
Grant Stockly wrote:
> >Grant, does this chip only accept one bitrate (ie, 64) or does it accept
> >multiple bitrates?
> >
> >Does it do a decent job?
> It supports ALL MPEG 1-2 MPEG 1-3 MPEG 2-2 MPEG 2-3 streams. Anything you
> can find onthe net will play fine.
> It sounds better than WinAMP and the best sound card.
> Grant