Re: TI-H: TI Hardware
Re: TI-H: TI Hardware
>We've sort of had nothing hardware-oriented to talk about, and since we're
>all more or less (sometimes more, sometimes less) friendly with each other,
>the topics usually descend into all kinds of interesting tangents.
>However, this is a fascinating idea. What, praytell, is a PIC? Or an AVR?
uC, microcontroller
>I've seen these mentioned before but I never really got what they stood for
>or what they are. Some kind of flashable logic circuit? Could I build a
>Pentium out of a PIC? How's it work?
No pentium from pic.
>We've had the C compiler talk. Apparently everyone is sure it'll never
>happen. ::shrug::
There are many C compiliers for the Z80. They work fine with the calc.
gcc-z80 is a good port.