TI-H: [OT] Other online resources


TI-H: [OT] Other online resources

Sorry for the off topic questions, but you guys are the only hardware
list I'm subscribed to. Do you know of any other mailing lists/news
groups/web pages that talk about the sort of hardware you guys work on?
Not necessarily for TI calcs, but also for connecting stuff to a
computer. I know how to actually connect things through the parallel
port, but I need help finding sources and info on the circuitry.

Specifically, I'm trying to measure and record a variety of things
during a bike trip by connecting sensors to a laptop I'd carry in my
pack. For example, I want to measure my heart rate. I thought I'd do
this by having a microphone placed on my chest by my heart, and a little
circuit to detect pulses from the microphone (generated by my heart
beats), which the computer would count each minute and record. Thoughts?

Sorry again for the OT post...


- Scarius
