Re: TI-H: Re: Windows Compilers [Was: Linux link software.]
Re: TI-H: Re: Windows Compilers [Was: Linux link software.]
Perhaps you misunderstand. Let me re-hash the entire thread for you.
Grant Stockly
Windows is gay since only windows programs compile under windows. :)
Unixes are hetro since you can recompile for different targets. :)
Windows can only compile for windows? Hah, can I have confirmation on
this so I can brag about it?
No, it is not true that windows will only compile for windows.
With no modifications? Yes, its true. :)
I do not mean to offend you, but which windows are you talking about?
I happen to be discussing Microsoft Windows, from v3.1 through NT 4 and
WIN98. I can compile, in a windows environment, programs for many
computers which do not run windows. Perhaps you are thinking of
something else.
(Includes some program that includes platform dependant code)
Take the program I sent you and compile it for a non microsoft target.
Unless you buy a special compilier and make header files so that it
directly use stuff like 'winsock' calls, its platform specific.
Rosyna made the statement:
Windows can only compile for windows?
I realize that Grant said, at first, that code meant to run only under
windows will only run under windows (duh.), but I think Rosyna took it
the wrong way. I therefore made the statement that it was not true that
windows would only compile for windows.
Grant, you are still holding on to your first statment, where I was
trying to correct a different statment which branched off of yours. I'm
sorry that I did not make myself clear.
Secondly, If I were to make a library for unix (say, winsock.h) which
enabled me to use the same commands I use in windows programming, then
your program example, AS-IS would run just fine under unix.
Thirdly, it is completely possible for me to run a program on a windows
machine, which will compile code for other platforms. I can make mac
programs on my windows computer. I can make unix programs for the many
different processors which unix is available on my windows computer.
Just as that can be done on a unix system, mac system, or any or
computer platform.
I am almost certian, Grant, that you know all this. So I'm assuming
that this was all a miscommunication. But I did want to make myself
clear for all those who may have been confused by our conversation.