Re: TI-H: Re: Sex, Drugs and Medical Wonders (Was once uppon a time:
Re: TI-H: Re: Sex, Drugs and Medical Wonders (Was once uppon a time: Re:TI-H: Linux l...
>heh... it twas a joke... Its is ok to be gay... but logically, it doesn't
>make ANY sense... it is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole (or
>a round peg into a round peg?)...
What if the square peg had a diag less than the diameter of the hole?
Or if one of the round pegs was larger and hollow than the other? ;)
>it just doesn't make any sense...
>positive doesn't go to positive, positive goes to negative... whatever...
>now.... how about some TI soup... who founded TI? (I dunno the answer, but
>I'm tired of talking about things COMPLETELY off topic.)
And when it does, we get radio active explosions that kill people./..
Hmmm... Same thing happens to loose gay people (or hetro).