TI-H: drugs..
TI-H: drugs..
Jon Mullen wrote:
> Prohibition DID work. The amount of public drunkeness was drastically reduced
> and ALOMST EVERYBODY stopped using alcohol.
keyword public. You only hide the problem, you don't solve it. kindof trying to
sweep everything under the carpet.. works for a while, but suddenly your carpet
has turned into a small hill, and a while longer to a mountain...
The other problem, is that having it illiegal rises organized crime.
If you where allowed to grow your own cannabis, that drug would disappear from
the drugmarket.
The main reason why you can look att cannabis as a "gateway drug" is that to get
it, you have to get involved with a lot of criminal elements.. and they don't
get much for just selling cannabis, ofcourse they whant to sell you other stuff,
wich gives them higher profit.
one other interesting thing whith this "gateway" is that when they have done
theese surveys for if it is.. they have mainly gone out asking a lot of hard
drugaddicts "What was the first drug you took" ofcourse the answer will very
often be "cannabis", but you should go the other way, how many who tried
cannabis "steps up". Not very many...
(Maybe we should get back on topic now ;)