Re: TI-H: wanting to 'soup up' my 86
Re: TI-H: wanting to 'soup up' my 86
> >> i know that, at of such, the AC adapter adapts the AC
> >current to DC.
> No, it recitifies it.
he probably doesnt even know what that means.
> >> Oh, yes and your little gay friend over there, ryan,
> >does he say
> >> that he only joined the list to talk to you? sounds
> >you two are a
> >> little close...
> I don't know him.
not like that anyway!
I just joined to ask him about
the ACPLAY... did I say he is my friend? no.
although he is not an enemie either... he is um someone who
I know(as in I know who he is)
> >69 ring a bell? bet it does.>
> we don't want to know about your home life.
thats for sure.
> >> overload the circutry, instead it allows you to use AA
> Wrong. Your calculator only uses enough power to do what
it needs. If
> what you said were true, you computer would blow up in
your face.
damnit grant, I wanted him to show us some
calculations of exactly how much extra power the
calculator was being overloaded by... (hint of sarcasm)
aww you went and spoiled my fun =[
> >> you also learn about physics in SCIENCE not MATH! also
> >don't have to
> >> take a physics class to learn voltage equations, they
> >that class
> Those are calculus equations.
yep calculus 2 at least ... gota know how ta Intagrate fool
> >when you get to highschool, you'll
> >understand. or
> >> seeing the way you act, not.
> Is college good enough for you? I take college coruses at
the UAA since
> high school is boreing. I've handycrafted my own DC to AC
> amoung other things, I think I know what I'm talking
true that.