Re: TI-H: empeg player
Re: TI-H: empeg player
From: Dan <>
>Too bad no one is making them though... I mean... all those companies need
>to do is throw in a 6gig 2.5" drive and an LCD screen and they are set.
Yep, all I ask is a ~2 GB shock mounted drive that can be attached to a
somehow (preferably by pulling the entire deck and connecting it to the
drive controller
in the computer), and some way to store play lists so I can select amoung
them, just
as if I had a CD changer. Heck, you could make one of those to go int he
place of
traditional CD changers, just give it the same kind of interface to the head
unit, but
give it a big HDD instead of CD's. Then you dont' even have to worry about
the user can plug the box into the computer to put songs on and arrange
Forget all this fancy stuff, I just want a simple (ie affordable) device to
put in the car,
but it has to have butt-loads of storeage, cuz I like my MP3's at 320Kbps.