Re: TI-H: Networking
Re: TI-H: Networking
Or you get a channeled T1. Multiple voice lines over a single line. Not
cheap, though.
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, September 26, 1998 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Networking
>> ( wrote:
>>>i thought it was possible, don't large companys alow their employees to
>>>up to their networks with modems to connect to company resources
>>Yes, they do. But they have digital lines that can support many
>>connections through the same phone number. It works like how you dial
>>into an ISP.
>its a phone switching station. Any house can have 50 phones on the same
>line. If you are really interested, you can get a rep from the phone
>company install a box on the outside of your house.
>Digital lines go into it (I think about 68) and you get analogue phone
>lines on the other side.
>Usually you have analogue signals installed to your house, your line goes
>to the phone utility, then your call is translated to digital signals,
>routed, then changed back into analogue. It would be a waste routing 5,000
>wires to one ISP, so they do the same thing with 68 lines.
>Okay, I'll be quiet. :)