Re: TI-H: Trackball with your TI
Re: TI-H: Trackball with your TI
In a message dated 9/26/98 7:11:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> > YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! I've made a single axis joystick recieved with
> > little interest and completed about 90% before the list was a warzone,
> > with several important people quitting (we miss you Rich). I have a
> > linkport mounted/controled single-axis joystick with firebutton great
> > games like pong, breakout, spaceinvaders... Since there's interest I'll
> > actually, truthfully honestly get the page posted 1 wk. from Monday. It
> > costs maybee $1- I haven't computed prices, but can be made from junk
> If you could make a 2 axis joystick with a 'fire' button THEN I'd be
> interested.
well a one axis is a good start for a thing that works with only 2 datalines,
and cheap, no expencive costom controlar cpus