Re: TI-H: AOL chat rooms


Re: TI-H: AOL chat rooms

>From: Christopher Kalos <>
>I admit, my proof is currently non-existent... I saw it done by a 
>of mine a while back, but I've never done it myself

Ok, Look at the end of this message for some support for my argument.

>As for the last part, I was merely telling you why you counld'nt 
>thru your firewall.

Ok, I think your right about that, I guess they are just trying
to cut down on connections.  However, a few years back, when I was
using AOL for dialup access, I did connect to their IRC servers,
and I did not notice that the same chat rooms were available.

>However, I would like to see a dialup user prove this for me once and
>for all... the last time I had an AOL account, it was a "borrowed" acct
>connected via TCP/IP.

I'll do it right after I post this.

Ok, for some proof the other way, here are some excerpts of a
log of the conversation between the AOL servers and my AOL
client, Warning, it contains some null characters, I dunno how
email is going to handle it.

The "Z**" is part of AOL's protocol framing, I haven't worked
out the details about the framing format, but each field 
appears to be null terminated.

Command to join chat room "vb4":
The aol://... URL is a keyword format aol uses internaly 
to access any AOL resource.
5A 2A 2A 00 22 26 62 A0 75 72 00 69 00 01 00   Z** "&b�ur i  
00 0E 12 61 6F 6C 3A 2F 2F 32 37 31 39 3A 32    aol://2719:2
2D 32 2D 76 62 34 00 02 00 0D                  -2-vb4  

Response to join request
This is a full frame, but not the entire response,
the entire responce includes the screen names of
everyone in the chat room.  Apparently this is close
to the maximum frame size for AOL.
5A 2A 2A 00 79 63 26 20 61 74 7F E0 08 34 20   Z** yc& at�4 
01 20 01 21 96 12 00 00 00 2F 53 01 02 21 04    !�   /S!
71 7D 40 27 21 20 00 62 40 47 21 96 12 00 00   q}@'!  b@G!�  
02 2F 33 01 21 04 71 7D 40 27 21 96 12 00 00   /3!q}@'!�  
03 2F 33 01 21 04 71 7D 40 27 21 96 12 00 00   /3!q}@'!�  
01 2F 34 01 21 20 00 40 27 21 96 13 00 00 00   /4!  @'!�   
2F 54 01 02 20 74 2B 58 DC 40 27 E2 21 15 40   /T t+X�@'�!@
47 20 02 20 56 00 00 30 78 76 62 34 21 4A 01   G  V  0xvb4!J
06 50 21 C6 21 1D 0D 5A 2A 2A 00 79 64 26 20   P!�!*Z** yd& 
61 74 7F E0 08 34 21 4A 01 0E 50 21 C7 21 1D   at�4!JP!�!
10 6D 12 61 6F 6C 3A 2F 2F 32 37 31 39 3A 32   maol://2719:2
2D 32 2D 76 62 34 2E 5F 76 A1 42 40 83 1F 20   -2-vb4._v�B@� 
01 23 02 24 46 72 44 2C 84 00 00 00 00 43 43   #$FrD,�    CC
C4 C6 67 24 08 2B 15 21 9C 12 00 00 00 20 12   ��g$+!�    
21 91 13 00 00 00 21 4A 01 00 2B 38 FF 2B 79   !�   !J +8�+y
FF FF FF 4B 5A 20 56 00 00 0B 07 0A 4F 6E 6C   ���KZ V  *Onl
69 6E 65 48 6F 73 74 2B 30 6B B3 21 1D 0D 5A   ineHost+0k�!*Z
2A 2A 00 76 65 26 20 61 74 7F E0 08 34 21 2A   ** ve& at�4!*
6B 2B 52 01 05 21 1D 21 4A 01 00 E2 39 41 02   k+R!!J �9A
FD 21 1D 21 2A 6C E2 39 41 02 FD 21 1D 21 4A   �!!*l�9A�!!J
01 00 20 56 00 00 2B 69 76 62 34 21 1D 4B 16     V  +ivb4!K
21 2A 6B 0B 0C 09 43 59 42 45 52 47 41 52 46   !*k*CYBERGARF
8C 0A 43 6F 64 65 53 75 69 64 61 65 8C 0A 42   �*CodeSuidae�*B
69 6B 69 6E 20 44 6F 6F 64 8C 0A 49 20 69 67   ikin Dood�*I ig
6E 65 75 73 20 6C 8C 09 53 74 69 6D 70 79 32   neus l�*Stimpy2
30 32 0D 

Sending the string "Testing"
Here I sent "Testing" to the chat room.  The second field
appears to be some sort of mesage id, or perhas a check 
5A 2A 2A 00 44 2F 6C A0 41 45 00 7B 00 01 00   Z** D/l�AE {  
01 07 04 00 00 00 06 01 0A 04 00 00 00 6C 03      *   l
01 14 3C 48 54 4D 4C 3E 54 65 73 74 69 6E 67   <HTML>Testing
3C 2F 48 54 4D 4C 3E 01 1D 00 03 00 01 01 03   </HTML>  
04 01 01 03 01 04 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 0D           

Sending "testing" again
Same thing.
5A 2A 2A 00 44 30 41 A0 41 45 00 80 00 01 00   Z** D0A�AE �  
01 07 04 00 00 00 06 01 0A 04 00 00 00 6C 03      *   l
01 14 3C 48 54 4D 4C 3E 74 65 73 74 69 6E 67   <HTML>testing
3C 2F 48 54 4D 4C 3E 01 1D 00 03 00 01 01 03   </HTML>  
04 01 01 03 01 04 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 0D           

Server command to add line to chat display
This is a frame from the server directing the chat
client to add the text to the chat display.
It appears that HTML tags are stripped off for AOL chat
clients less the version 4.0.
5A 2A 2A 00 59 6D 2F 20 61 74 7F E0 08 36 20   Z** Ym/ at�6 
01 21 96 13 00 00 00 2F 53 32 33 21 4A 01 00   !�   /S23!J 
2B 38 FF 2B 79 FF FF FF 4B 5A 20 56 00 00 0B   +8�+y���KZ V  
0A 0A 43 6F 64 65 53 75 69 64 61 65 20 56 00   **CodeSuidae V 
00 0B 0B 14 3C 48 54 4D 4C 3E 54 65 73 74 69    <HTML>Testi
6E 67 3C 2F 48 54 4D 4C 3E 20 27 32 41 16 20   ng</HTML> '2A 
27 33 20 02 0D                                 '3 *


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