Re: TI-H: AOL chat rooms (was "linux...")
Re: TI-H: AOL chat rooms (was "linux...")
I admit, my proof is currently non-existent... I saw it done by a friend
of mine a while back, but I've never done it myself
As for the last part, I was merely telling you why you counld'nt connect
thru your firewall.
However, I would like to see a dialup user prove this for me once and
for all... the last time I had an AOL account, it was a "borrowed" acct
connected via TCP/IP.
David Knaack wrote:
> My main question is what proof (not just evidence) do you have
> that AOL uses an IRC server for their internal chat rooms?
> How do you know that he protocols are the same?
> I don't follow you, what do you mean? Are you saying that
> only AOL dialup users can connect to
> Even if true (which I suspect it is), I don't see how
> this supports the assertation that AOLs internal chat rooms
> are servered by an IRC server (or are you just saying why
> I couldn't connect thru my firewall?).
> DK
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