TI-H: Foldable keyboard ( Grant? )
TI-H: Foldable keyboard ( Grant? )
Hey guys, I have this really dope idea.
OK. Everybody would like to have a decently sized ti keyboard with hem
all the time right. Wouldn't it be perfect if this keyboard would fit in
a 12x6x6 (about) box. OK, this is how we/you could do this.
Get all those keyboards from the attic and start dismanteling them. A
lot of keyboard have plastic foil, on which the buttons just press. But
you can also press on those "keys" with your bare fingers. I have tried
this and it does work. Now just roll your keyboard up, get Grants
keyb-ti thingie and take it to school.
That works (tried it except the taking to school part :).
Now I would like Grant's (oh you're so nice) assistance to create an AVR
and schematics so we wouldn't have to use the fairly large board that
comes with the keyboard AND the AVR. I think we could get this all to
fit in a fairly small package. (My keyboard can be rolled up to fit in a
4 cm diamter and 12 cm tall cylinder, and the electronics part could fit
inside that cylinder.
GL, Mike