Re: TI-H: linux...
Re: TI-H: linux...
The GATEWAY IS NEVER A PROXY on a normal ISP!!!! listen to me! proxies don't
route, therefore they cannot be gateways. use common sense man.
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, September 19, 1998 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: linux...
>>>Your ISP can proxy everything without you knowing. No netscape setup or
>>Not unless they have you running proprietary software or are using some
>>funky connection protocol. If they are throwing you straight PPP, then you
>>retrieve the default gateway. You call the gateway a proxy. Everyone else
>>the english-speaking country calls it a router.
>I call a router, a router. is a router. I'm using
> and the www server is List server
> Router, You can force a caching proxy on
>people who are using a PPP server and the gateway the ISP provides.
>Aol gives dumb names to their proxy servers. :/